PC Systems

Computer Repair Carlisle

Carlisle Collect & Repair Computer Service

On-Line PC Repair


We have a quick and efficient service. Contact us today to arrange a suitable time to fix your computer.

This allows convenience as we can service your computer without having to physically go to your home or office.

Our mission is to provide Cumbria based businesses with a complete solution to cover all aspects of their IT infrastructure.


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Download Connect & Fix Client

Windows, Mac, Linux

When you need computer help and can’t figure out the technical problem on your own, give us a call and we will assist you with your Windows PC problem remotely (No matter your Geographic Location).

We do not send a computer technician to your home or business because with Remote Access Software and Broadband Internet Connections now widely available it is usually not necessary. Although we can also cater for this if required (On-site Support is only available in the Carlisle Area).

Most common computer problems can be diagnosed over the phone and then fixed with our Remote Computer Support & Repair Services using Connect & Fix Client, free software which allows you to setup a quick and easy remote connection with us.

Remove Viruses & Install Windows

Viruses, Trojans & Adware or damaged Windows almost always cause the laptop to run slow with frequent crashes. We can either remove them or reformat the complete laptop by reinstalling Windows. By reformatting the drive all data will be lost but the laptop should become as fast as it was when first purchased.

We are additionally able to copy Documents etc before reformatting so some of the data can be recovered.We can reinstall Windows back onto your laptop even if you have lost all your setup disks Once reinstalled we will restore the drivers and add a virus checker.

Hard Drive Faults & Data Recovery

Hard drive faults occur quite frequently, especially if the laptop has been banged or dropped whilst turned on. The first you may notice is that Windows will not power up properly or there are frequent software crashes. Often errors can be corrected, but it may be necessary to install a new drive and either copy data or reinstall Windows. if your hard drive has failed or has been damaged please contact us for further advice.

Screen & Video Faults

Screen faults are quite common on many laptops and may not be too expensive to repair depending on the cause. If you can see a very dark or ghost image then the screen has probably NOT failed! The fault is probably caused by the illumination circuitry not working. If there is a display with coloured lines or blocks or no display at all then the fault may lie with either the screen or the motherboard. If the screen has a crack or large blotches or what looks like ink leaking then the fault is probably the screen itself.

Our aim is to arrange to visit you within 2 hours of your call.

PC Systems is a mobile company and we visit you at your home or office, whenever is convenient for you. PC Systems specialises in same day repairs of home and business computers. At PC Systems, we offer desktop PC repairs and laptop repair service and will come out to your home or business usually within 2 hours of your call. We will tackle a new PC installation and deal with viruses and malware issues, email problems or just a slow computer.

These days our clients like their problems solved quickly and efficiently and that’s where our same day computer repair service is best utilised.

Rather than waiting days to get your equipment back from a local computer repair shop, our computer repair specialists, based in the North of England, come to you. We can fix 95% of all repairs – hardware problems, software errors, virus removal, setting up new machines – at your home or business, the same day.

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